..... Deed Restrictions

Any questions concerning deed restriction and permits should be directed to one of the plans inspectors – plans@dearbornhills.org.
The Dearborn Hills Civic Association was founded in 1926 following the development of the neighborhood we now know as Dearborn Hills. In order to ensure Dearborn Hills would remain a beautiful neighborhood of harmonious homes, a Declaration of Restrictions was adopted and attached to each lot in Dearborn Hills.  The Declaration of Restrictions or “Deed Restrictions” “run with the land,” meaning that new purchasers remain bound by the Deed Restrictions.  These deed restrictions are so important and integral to living in Dearborn Hills that our residents voted in 1999 to keep the existing restrictions in place until 2049.
The Deed Restrictions provide specific requirements for exterior alterations to your homes and lots, including everything from siding, windows, and porches, to sheds, fences, garages, and front landscaping.  The Deed Restrictions are available here.  

Additionally, to help Dearborn Hills residents understand what the Board views as “conforming and in harmony” with the external design of structures--a requirement of the Deed Restrictions--the Board has prepared detailed Guideline for your review.  
If you do not want to consult with our expert, you may instead submit completed plans to the DHCA, as required by the Deed Restrictions.  Please complete either the Standard Form, available here, or the DHCA EZ Plans Review Form, available here, and attach the required full-size building plans, either mailing the completed packet to the DHCA P.O. Box, or hand delivering the completed packet to one of our Plan Review Volunteers identified on our home page.
In closing, while the Association's main purpose is to review and determine whether proposed alterations to the lots in Dearborn Hills satisfy the Deed Restrictions, over the years, the association has expanded its activities to include many social and civic functions.  Please see our home page for some of these activities!