..... Plans Review
Plans Review and Approval Process
Dearborn Hills Civic Association is responsible for ensuring compliance with our neighborhood Deed Restrictions. They are easy to understand and every home owner should familiarize themselves with them before starting any projects. Most homeowners are unaware the DHCA has to review any exterior project that they submit to the city for permitting and review. At times the Deed Restrictions may be more restrictive than the City Ordinance. However they are not burdensome. In fact, they have a big role in keeping this community vibrant and strong by weeding out the eyesores of poor planning and runaway building.
DHCA board has 2 volunteer plans reviewers who are either Directors or Trustees on the DHCA board, their signatures are on file with the city for verification. We generally have 30 days to review and approve a submission. It often is a MUCH quicker process. Once a plan is approved it's ink stamped and signed and returned to you for filing with the city.
The source of our most common complaint is the 4' fence rule. When Mr. Herndon founded Dearborn Hills Civic Association and built the adjoining golf course in 1926, he was a firm believer in the notion that if neighbors could see each other from across the yard it would promote a sense of community and openness. A more friendly and peaceful existence. It encourages neighbors to communicate with each other. Considering the traffic on Telegraph Road, privacy (board on board or fortress) fencing is not allowed. Permits are required for tree removals and include a requirement that a new tree be planted on the property.
How to File an Application:
Please fill out the Architectural Plan Review Request Form. It's designed to accommodate complex renovations, additions, or new construction. If your project is small then some sections won't apply. All have to be signed and dated by the homeowner(s).
It then must be hand delivered with the contractors plans in triplicate to:
- Marty Kaltenbach, 840 Meridan
Triplicate and drawings are what the city will demand. Part of our function is to prepare you for Building Department scrutiny. E-mail is also allowed, but the hand delivery is necessary because scanning often shrinks drawings down too small to be properly read. We can only approve the actual plans.
Finally, if you are interested in helping out with plans review or any other activity in your neighborhood please feel free to contact us. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping this community strong.
If you have any questions, contact plans@dearbornhills.org.
Current Plan Reviews:
24725 Fairmont
24910 Fairmont - A proposed second story rear addition at 24910 Fairmont, set upon an existing main floor family room addition, has been approved. Plans have been delivered to the adjacent neighbors as a courtesy, in accord with our updated DHCA Plan Inspection procedures
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