Membership Dues Payments

Annual dues and donations can now be made using Paypal. Use the process below to submit payment via PayPal.  Select one option and follow the instructions in the selection.   There is no additional fee for online payment

Advertise - Newsletter - $ 100.00
$100.00 for one issue of the newsletter.
Advertise - Newsletter + web site - 1 year - $ 150.00
One issue of the newsletter plus one year on the website is $150.00.  This is a $50 savings.
Advertise - Newsletter + Web Site - Double Ad - $ 200.00
Advertise - Web Site for 1 year - $ 100.00
$50.00 for 6 months
Dearborn Hills Assoc. Annual Dues - All Members - $ 25.00
Dearborn Hills Flower & Islands Donation - Amount $
Dues already paid and you want to make a donation to the Flowers & Islands? Check this item and fill in the amount. All donations go to maintaining the 10 traffic islands in our Dearborn Hills neighborhood. 
DHCA Annual Dues - $25 & Neighborhood Preservation - Amount $
DHCA Annual Dues - Regular $25 and Flowers/Island - Amount $
Use this option to pay your annual membership dues plus a Flowers & Island donation. Fill in any amount you wish greater than the annual dues of $25. (Example: Dues $25, Donation $5, ENTER $30) The dues will be deducted and credited and the remainder will be deposited into the Flower Fund.
DHCA Neighborhood PreservationFund - Amount $
Dues already paid and you want to make a donation to the Legal Fund? Check this item and fill in the amount. All donations go to payment of the legal fund to maintain the DHCA Deed Restrictions in our Dearborn Hills neighborhood.